COVID-19 is changing the way we interact with, and produce food. As the work continues to control the spread and impact of COVID-19, questions around the risks associated with food production have emerged. To assist the food industry navigate the current situation we have gathered some authoritative resources and will provide updates as the situation changes and new information becomes available. AIFST Statement - COVID-19 AND FOOD SAFETYAustralian Academy of Science - COVID-19: The Facts |
FOOD SAFETY ACTION PLAN(Document example provided by our member Janette Hughes from MQA Melbourne Quality Associates) Click Here | COVID-19 AND FOOD SECURITYThe FAO High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition (HLPE) have released an Issues Paper on the Impact of the COVID-19 crisis on Food Security and Nutrition. Click Here |
AIFST WEBINARSVisit our Events & Webinars pages for recordings of past events on COVID-19, and details of upcoming ones. Upcoming EventsPast Webinars (members only)Implications of the novel SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus on Food Processing |