AIFST Webinar – Let's Celebrate Food Safety Week

Australian Food Safety Week is presented each year by the Food Safety Information Council. This year’s theme is Food Safety – it’s in your hands. The goal is to build upon the good behaviours established during the COVID-19 pandemic so we can continue to reduce the incidence of foodborne illness
Our two excellent speakers will explore approaches and strategies for improving food handling behaviours and safety culture.
This is a free event for both members and non-members.
Dr Julian Cox, UNSW: Food safety it’s in your hands …… or is it?
Dr Robyn McConchie: Understanding the gaps in fresh produce safety: Industry driven research outcomes
Chair: Deon Mahoney /Fiona Fleming
Julian Cox, an Associate Professor at UNSW Sydney, has over 30 years standing as a professional food microbiologist.
After completing Bachelor, Honours and PhD degrees in microbiology and food microbiology, he worked in the egg industry, before returning to academia. From his university base, he has continued to work closely with both the egg and chicken meat industries, as well as other companies in the food sector, with a focus on food safety and quality, methods for detection of pathogenic organisms and approaches to management of pathogens in primary production and processing
He has also worked with national agencies on standards for the microbiological analysis of foods, as well as risk analysis for import and standards for primary production and processing for eggs and egg products. He is a commentator and spokesperson on issues of food safety, regularly featured across the range of popular and social media.

Robyn McConchie has worked closely with industry and PMA-ANZ to initiate the Fresh Produce Safety Centre based at the University of Sydney.
Robyn is past Director of the Australian Research Council ITTC for Food Safety in the Fresh Produce Industry which conducts industry-focused research to develop practical solutions to prevent or minimise food safety risks in fresh produce across the value chain, and educates a new generation of research professionals, to drive future food safety research.